Advances in mathematics education


Scripting approaches in mathematics ...
Herbst, Patricio.
Inside the mathematics classsociolog...
Gellert, Uwe.
Teaching and learning secondary scho...
Chernoff, Egan J.
Theory and practice of lesson study ...
Huang, Rongjin.
The 'resource' approach to mathemati...
Gueudet, Ghislaine.
Affect in mathematical modeling
Chamberlin, Scott A.
by: Chamberlin, Scott A.
Mathematics and technologyA C.I.E.A....
Aldon, Gilles.
Creativity and giftednessinterdiscip...
Leikin, Roza.
Educational paths to mathematicsa C....
Gellert, Uwe.
Approaches to qualitative research i...
Bikner-Ahsbahs, Angelika.
Networking of theories as a research...
Bikner-Ahsbahs, Angelika.
Transforming mathematics instruction...
Li, Shiqi.
Mathematics & mathematics educations...
Dreyfus, Tommy.
Mathematics curriculum in school edu...
Lappan, Glenda.
Probabilistic thinkingpresenting plu...
Chernoff, Egan J.
International perspectives on teache...
Blomeke, Sigrid.
Early algebraizationa global dialogu...
Cai, Jinfa.
Towards equity in mathematics educat...
Forgasz, Helen.
Theories of mathematics educationsee...
English, Lyn.
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