International perspectives on early childhood education and development ;


Digital childhoodstechnologies and c...
Danby, Susan J.
Values education in early childhood ...
Emilson, Anette.
Democratic policies and practices in...
Mitchell, Linda.
Play-responsive teaching in early ch...
Pramling, Niklas.
Challenging democracy in early child...
Löfdahl Hultman, Annica.
Music in early childhoodmulti-discip...
Ilari, Beatriz.
Children's exploration and cultural ...
Eriksen Odegaard, Elin.
Adult perspectives on children and m...
Acker, Aleksandra.
Comparative perspectives on early ch...
Ng, Josephine.
Children's multilingual literacyfost...
Harris, Pauline.
Peer play and relationships in early...
Li, Liang.
Outdoor learning and playpedagogical...
Grindheim, Liv Torunn.
Families and transition to school
Dockett, Sue.
Multidisciplinary perspectives on pl...
Beckett, Cynthia a.
Studying babies and toddlersrelation...
Li, Liang.
Early childhood education in Chinese...
Rao, Nirmala.
Nordic social pedagogical approach t...
Kragh-Muller, Grethe.
Pedagogies of educational transition...
Ballam, Nadine.
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