Basic concepts in chemistry


Main group chemistry /
Henderson, William.
by: Henderson, William.
Stereochemistry /
Morris, David G.
by: Morris, David G.
D- and f-block chemistry /
Jones, Chris J.
by: Jones, Chris J.
Quantum mechanics for chemists /
Hayward, David O.
Peptides and proteins /
Doonan, Shawn.
by: Doonan, Shawn.
Organotransition metal chemistry /
Hill, Anthony F.
Basic atomic and molecular spectrosc...
Hollas, J. Michael
Reactions and characterization of so...
Dann, Sandra E.
Functional group chemistry /
Hanson, James Ralph.
by: Hanson, James Ralph.
Structure and bonding /
Barrett, Jack.
by: Barrett, Jack.
Aromatic chemistry /
Hepworth, John D.
by: Hepworth, John D.
Heterocyclic chemistry /
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
by: Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)
Thermodynamics and statistical mecha...
Gale, Julian D.
Atomic structure and periodicity /
Barrett, Jack.
Organic synthetic methods /
Hanson, James Ralph.
by: Hanson, James Ralph.
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