Evolution ;


Darwin's dangerous idea[DVD]
DarwinCharles (, 1809-1882)
by: DarwinCharles (, 1809-1882)
Great transformations; extinction![DVD]
Churchill, Kate
The evolutionary arms race; why sex?...
Buckner, Noel
The mind's big bang; what about God?...
Butler, Aaron
The future of geneticsbeyond the hum...
Hodge, Russ, (1961-)
Foundations of economic changea schu...
Cantner, Uwe.
The entrepreneur in rule-based econo...
Blind, Georg D.
Evolution of primate social cognition
De Petrillo, Francesca.
by: De Petrillo, Francesca.
Demand, complexity, and long-run eco...
Baum, Chad M.
Memetics and evolutionary economicst...
Schlaile, Michael P.
Knowledge-driven developments in the...
Dabbert, Stephan.
Innovation networks for regional dev...
Paier, Manfred.
Cultural phylogeneticsconcepts and a...
Mendoza Straffon, Larissa.
Reticulate evolutionsymbiogenesis, l...
Gontier, Nathalie.
The evolution of economic and innova...
Foster, John.
Macroevolutionexplanation, interpret...
Gontier, Nathalie.
Ecological RationalityIntelligence i...
Gigerenzer, Gerd.
Simple Heuristics in a Social World
ABC Research Group.
The evolution of social communicatio...
Gontier, Nathalie.