Wiley series in microwave and optical engineering.


Integrated active antennas and spati...
Chang, Kai, (1948-)
Introduction to high-speed electroni...
Riaziat, M. L.
Nonlinear optics /
Sauter, E. G., (1932-)
by: Sauter, E. G., (1932-)
Phased array-based systems and appli...
Fourikis, Nicholas.
Coherent optical communications syst...
Betti, Silvello, (1958-)
by: Betti, Silvello, (1958-)
Millimeter wave and optical dielectr...
Koul, Shiban K.
SiGe, GaAs, and InP heterojunction b...
Yuan, Jiann S., (1959-)
Spheroidal wave functions in electro...
Kang, Xiao-Kang.
Analysis methods for RF, microwave, ...
Nguyen, Cam.
Radio frequency circuit design /
Agarwal, Krishna K.
by: Agarwal, Krishna K.
Fiber-optic communication systems /
Agrawal, G. P. (1951-)
by: Agrawal, G. P. (1951-)
Optical semiconductor devices /
Fukuda, Mitsuo.
Wavelets in electromagnetics and dev...
Pan, George W., (1944-)
Solar cells and their applications /
Partain, L. D.
Diode lasers and photonic integrated...
Coldren, L. A.
Optoelectronic packaging /
Basavanhally, N. R.
by: Basavanhally, N. R.
Compact and broadband microstrip ant...
Wong, Kin-Lu.
Smart antennas /
Sarkar, Tapan
by: Sarkar, Tapan
Planar antennas for wireless communi...
Wong, Kin-Lu.
Microwave ring circuits and related ...
Chang, Kai, (1948-)