

Envisioning Taiwan :fiction, cinema,...
Yip, June Chun, (1962-)
Korea's globalization /
Kim, Samuel S., (1935-)
by: Kim, Samuel S., (1935-)
The politics of open economies :Indo...
Asia, Southeastern
Asia in Japan's embrace :building a ...
Hatch, Walter.
Nationalisms of Japan :managing and ...
Islamic banking & finance in South-E...
Southeast Asia
Resistant islands :Okinawa confronts...
Prosperity's predicamentIdentity, re...
Crook, Isabel Brown.
From Adam Smith to Michael Porterevo...
Cho, Dong-Sung.
From Silicon Valley to Shenzhengloba...
Hürtgen, Stefanie.
When the Earth roars :lessons from t...
Smits, Gregory, (1960-)
Islamic banking and finance in South...
Southeast Asia
Asia-Pacific constitutional systems
East Asia
Tiger technologythe creation of a se...
Cho, Dong-Sung.
Guanxi and business
Luo, Yadong.
by: Luo, Yadong.
Globalization and state transformati...
Archaeology of Manila Galleon seapor...
Junco Sanchez, Roberto.
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