Computational Imaging and Vision, ;


Ridges in image and data analysis /
Eberly, David.
Image textures and Gibbs random fields /
Gimelfarb, Georgii Lvovich.
by: Gimelfarb, Georgii Lvovich.
Machine learning in computer vision /
Sebe, Nicu.
Medial representationsmathematics, a...
Pizer, Stephen M.
Computer vision for driver assistanc...
Klette, Reinhard.
Shape reconstruction from apparent c...
Bellettini, Giovanni.
Mathematical methods for signal and ...
Florack, Luc.
Computer vision using local binary p...
Pietikainen, Matti.
Natural image statisticsa probabilis...
Hoyer, Patrik O.
The theory of the moire phenomenon.V...
Amidror, Isaac.
Front-end vision and multi-scale ima...
Haar Romeny, Bart M. ter.
Human Motion :Understanding, Modelli...
Klette, Reinhard.
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