論一般情事變更原則於我國實務判決適用之情形 = A Study On c...


  • 論一般情事變更原則於我國實務判決適用之情形 = A Study On clausula rebus sic stantibus applied to Judgement in practice in Taiwan
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: A Study On clausula rebus sic stantibus applied to Judgement in practice in Taiwan
    Author: 洪國欽,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2008[民97]
    Description: 237面圖,表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 情事變更原則
    Subject: Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/96152427745412889606
    Notes: 指導教授:姚志明
    Notes: 參考書目:面208-210
    Notes: 附錄:1.[臺灣高雄地方法院]情事變更原則判決之統計表;2.[臺灣臺中地方法院]情事變更原則判決之統計表;3.[臺灣臺北地方法院]情事變更原則判決之統計表
    Summary: 情事變更原則在我國民事訴訟實務上,常被引為訴訟標的或抗辯主張,當事人動輒祭出情事變更請求或抗辯。職是,有關情事變更原則適用之爭議,在實務案例甚多,尤以工程延宕或變更、物價上漲及租金調整所造成者為最。然實務判決對於情事變更原則成立要件之認定,似未臻一致,同樣或類似之案例事實,或因不同審判者而生相異之結果。基此,乃生本論文探究之動機。本論文首先探究情事變更原則理論之起源,從該理論在大陸法系及英美法系之起源作一探索,並進一步論述該原則之意義及其理論發展之沿革。繼而,申論情事變更原則之理論基礎學說以及其所具有之性質等,將情事變更原則在學理面作一完整之介紹及整理,以釐清該原則最初所欲處理之問題類型為何。再者,為辨析與情事變更原則相類似之法律概念,諸如:條件、意思表示之錯誤、給付不能、危險負擔、不可抗力、免責條款乃至商業風險等概念,本論文亦從本質、適用上、要件及效力等各方面作一區別及釐清。嗣為探索本論文之主題,爰針對情事變更原則在我國民事法上之立法沿革作一研析。本論文從我國自民法公布前後、非常時期民事訴訟補充條例施行期間、復員後辦理民事訴訟補充條例施行期間、復員後辦理民事訴訟補充條例失效後至民事訴訟法公佈施行前、民事訴訟法第397條施行期間,乃至民法第227條之2公布施行後,有關各該時期之社會現況、立法例、成立要件、實務見解及其法律效果,逐一論述,藉此了解我國在情事變更原則之立法沿革及實務適用情形。最後,為探究目前實務判決對情事變更原則請求之見解及適用類型,爰考量以人口及案件數量繁多,案件類型多樣化,具有取樣代表性之台灣高雄地方法院、台灣台中地方法院以及台灣台北地方法院等三個都市區域地方法院之民事判決,作為本論文樣本分析之來源。本論文選取從89年1月起至96年11月為止,計8年期間,在前開三法院審理案件中,訴訟兩造有將情事變更原則列為訴訟標的或抗辯爭點者,合計273件判決個案,分析情事變更原則在實務判決之適用情形。相關判決經分析、篩選及分類後,歸納出8種適用類型,至於在適用率方面,取樣之273件個案,經法院審理後,認為案件事實符合情事變更原則要件者,僅佔59件,總體之適用率為21.6%,顯然偏低。基此,在實務運作上,當事人關於情事變更原則之主張,有浮濫而不嚴謹之情形,應屬明確。 Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus is often quoted as the object of action or defense proposition in civil action practice in Taiwan. The parties advocate the claim or defense of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus easily. Therefore, there are many disputes concerning the application of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus in practice cases, in particular with respect to procrastination or change of the engineering project ,the price increase and the rent change..However, there seems to be a lack of consistency identifying the requirements for Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus in practice, As a result, judgement in the same or similar case may lead to different results by different judges .The motive of this thesis was hence established. This thesis will first search for the theoretical origin of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus from Continental Law system and Anglo-American Law system, and then discuss its meaning and the evolution history . After that, it will introduce and analyze Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus in theory in details by discussing the basic theory and its character of this principle to distinguish what types of problems this principle would deal with in the beginning.Moreover, in
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