商業保險在全民健保給付所扮演角色-以南山保險公司為例 = A Role ...


  • 商業保險在全民健保給付所扮演角色-以南山保險公司為例 = A Role of Commercial Insurance in National Health Insurance Program-The Case Study of Nan Shan Insurance Corporation
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A Role of Commercial Insurance in National Health Insurance Program-The Case Study of Nan Shan Insurance Corporation
    作者: 林斐綺,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 民100
    面頁冊數: 75葉圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 全民健保
    標題: National Health Insurance Program
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/64526486389396583961
    附註: 參考書目:葉63-67
    摘要註: 台灣從民國84年實施全民健保政策,其對於全體國民來說是一項非常重要的國家福利與社會安全政策,卻同時也是近年惹人爭議的問題之一,尤其是最近二代健保議題。其實其爭議源自於健保制度本身設計的不盡健全,且有嚴重的財務短絀情形,也因此才會有商業保險的需求產生。而商業保險究竟在全民健保制度下扮演的角色為何?兩者本質又有何不同?實為本研究探討的主要議題。本研究經過文獻探討及南山人壽的實際個案分析,綜合整理共有以下發現:1. 全民健保屬於社會保險,其具有強制性且是法定保障的權利,商業保險則為個人志願加保屬於商品選擇行為。2. 全民健保保障範圍除了考量被保險人的利益之外,也同時考量社會的利益,商業保險則著重個人保障層面。3. 全民健保為政府統籌管理,著重在如何降低成本問題,商業保險則為業者精算結果,屬於商業利益取向。4. 全民健保的財源部分是由被保險人繳費,其他來自於稅收以及雇主必需負擔一部份,商業保險則需自行負擔保費的成本。 Since 1985 National Health Insurance Program has been practiced, it was a very important social welfare and security policy. But it was also seriously argued these days, especially for the Second National Health Insurance. The resource of its argument is for the defective and the shortage of finance. So it makes commercial insurance come out. And what is the real role of the commercial for the National Health Insurance? What the innate difference between them? It’s the issue we talk in this research. And form the literature discussion and the case study of Nan Shan, we find some interesting things listed as followings.1. National Insurance Corporation Health Insurance belongs to social insurance, it’s compulsory and also the right for all people, but commercial insurance depends on each individual to pay.2. National Health Insurance cares about both individual and social benefits, but commercial insurance just ensures an individual.3. National Health Insurance is managed by government and stresses on how to lower the operating costs, but commercial insurance is made by business calculation.4. The revenue of National Health Insurance is from the insured, taxation and the business owner, but commercial insurance is all from the insures.
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