

  • 冷凍空調承攬商在石化工廠作業程序以及工安方面的探討-以高雄地區石化產業為例 = The Working Process and Industry Safety for Refrigeration Contractors-The Case Study of Petrochemical Factories in Kaohsiung
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: The Working Process and Industry Safety for Refrigeration Contractors-The Case Study of Petrochemical Factories in Kaohsiung
    Author: 底展毅,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 民100
    Description: 68葉表格 : 30公分;
    Subject: 石化工廠
    Subject: Petrochemical Factory
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/45653135143844992332
    Notes: 參考書目:葉59-60
    Summary: 石化工廠的作業,對於工業安全方面的要求是非常嚴格的,進廠首先必須交出香煙、打火機,車輛排煙口加裝滅燄器等等措施,入廠工作之前又必須申請偵測「現場可燃性氣濃度」,避免動火作業時發生氣爆。冷凍空調工程作業,幾乎含蓋了其他工程的總和:施作繁複、工序多元以及材料瑣碎多樣,往往因為遺漏或疏忽,造成不可彌補的後果。經過深度訪談後,發現冷凍空調公司的負責人,在發生大大小小「工安事件」以後,均有同樣的感慨。為「思患預防」起見,就特別重視「施工程序」要求,並載明工作單上,也是本論文重點所在。 The industrial safety requirement is quite strict in petrochemical factories. Firstly, before entering the factory, cigarettes and lighters must be handed over. Moreover, a flame arrestor must be installed at the end of car muffler. Secondly, before starting to work in the factory, one has to apply the detection of “field concentration of flammable gas” to avoid gas explosion on hot-work.The working process of refrigeration and air-condition almost contains all engineering work, including complex work, multiple processes, and various materials. It is so complicated that any loss or neglect would cause uncompensated result.After in-depth interview, we find all bosses of refrigeration and air-condition contractors have same thoughts that working processes must be highly valued and specified in the work ordering to prevent industry-safety accident, which is the main point of this thesis.
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310002134214 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 349908 0070 2011 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
310002134222 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 349908 0070 2011 c.2 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
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