飼主棄養犬隻法律責任之研究 = A Study of the Legal...


  • 飼主棄養犬隻法律責任之研究 = A Study of the Legal Liability in Dog Abandonment
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: A Study of the Legal Liability in Dog Abandonment
    Author: 陳玉鈴,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2011[民100]
    Description: 123面表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 行政罰法
    Subject: property rights
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/33239990235834597392
    Notes: 參考書目:面115-121
    Summary: 在台灣,各鄉鎮如一本精裝書的扉頁,被厚厚的封面緊蓋著的一絲不亂,只要你打開書本,一頁一頁翻閱,就發現滿目瘡痍,一鄉一頁,夾在書本裡面的盡是低著頭尋尋覓覓的流浪犬。每個被拋棄而不得不在街頭流浪的生命,帶著迷惘的眼神滿街跑,不知行將何處,已成為台灣街頭特有的景觀。不僅造成動物保護的問題,也引發威脅人類的隱憂。在依法行政的理念下,唯有制定完善的飼養犬隻管理法律規是有效解決流浪犬產生的唯一途徑。而該如何建構,確實是未來重大課題,也是嚴峻的挑戰。 流浪犬的產生大部分都來自於人為之惡意棄養,犬隻遭飼主棄養後會開始對人類失去信任,自我保護意識升高,續而開始攻擊。流浪犬的問題一再地發生,然而我國立法機構卻也一再地漠視問題的嚴重性,政府機關面對此類事件的發生,往往只是一概地捕捉及撲殺,蔑視犬隻的生命,也蓄意忽視流浪犬產生的原因,是誰讓牠們流離失所?手中那條情感連結的繩索,曾經搭起友誼的橋樑,曾經攜手共同朝向一條生命悲喜的道路,豈能無情的鬆脫,讓曾經陪伴愛過的生命,消失在驚懼哀鳴的末路中。 雖我國對於「棄養」的行為,有罰鍰規定,但此規定在實務的執行層面上,因中央卸責,使各縣市執行不一,以致於讓個人的棄養行為,轉價到社會全體。因此我們不能只是消極譴責棄養者。 我國民法採二元思考體系犬隻是物的概念,導致我國對於流浪犬所造成的危害問題對於棄養人沒有相關法律責任的規定,實為民事法律上的缺漏。至於行政責任層面,檢視行政秩序罰中行為責任人與狀態責任人的概念以及輔以國外相關法令,擴大遭人為故意棄養的犬隻造成危害問題時,科以其行為人的法律責任。如此,流浪犬潮在現今社會上所造成的問題始能徹底解決。並轉變現有的傳統觀念,重新建立新生命的法律體系。 Dogs which are given up for rasing and stray on the street have become a special condition in Taiwan. The phenomenon not only causes the problem of animal protection but also results considerable distress from many people. In this way, the effective resolution of the difficulty is that the government should make laws for raising dogs under administration according to law. Additionally, the law how to constitute is an important issue and challenge in the future. There are increasingly stray dos because people give up for rasing the animal pets. Moreover, the stray dogs do not have confidence in people and increase self-protection. In other words, the stray dogs probably have aggressive behavior. However, the legislature neglects this problem and the government disregards dog’s life. For example, the government catches and kills the stray dogs. As a result, the problem of the stray dogs has become serious in Taiwan. Although people who give up for rasing dogs will be fined, the violators will be fined differently in various counties city due to the government’s irresponsibility. Thus, people can not condemn those who give up for rasing dogs. Because civil thinks of dogs as lifeless things, people who give up for rasing dogs do not take the legal liability. It is a disadvantage of civil. As for administrative responsibility domain, the government should take effective ways: clarifying the legal status of dogs and consulting the law of Germany. These ways could help the government limit the responsibility of dogs’ owners. Hence, the phenomenon of stray dogs could be resolved completely.
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