乙烯/醋酸乙烯共聚物乳膠複合材料之應用研究 = Applications...


  • 乙烯/醋酸乙烯共聚物乳膠複合材料之應用研究 = Applications of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) emulsified composites : 以手術定位試劑及磁場敏感微結構藥物載體為例; cases of surgical marker and magnetically sensitive microstructured drug carrier
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Applications of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) emulsified composites
    副題名: 以手術定位試劑及磁場敏感微結構藥物載體為例
    作者: 張孟淵,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2012[民101]
    面頁冊數: 114面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 乙烯/醋酸乙烯共聚物
    標題: ethylene/vinylacetate copolymer
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/80978460855570608199
    附註: 106年10月31日公開
    附註: 參考書目:面96-105
    其他題名: 以手術定位試劑及磁場敏感微結構藥物載體為例
    其他題名: 乙烯醋酸乙烯共聚物乳膠複合材料之應用研究
    摘要註: 此論文主要以具有生物相容性之乙烯/醋酸乙烯共聚物乳液(EVA emulsion)為基底材料,將具有不同特殊功能之無機材料混摻於其中,結合EVA乳液本身之特性,製備具有特殊功能之EVA生醫材料。使用55wt%之EVA乳液,並以聚乙烯醇做為保護劑分散於水中,黏度為3100 cP (60 RPM,25℃);選用之無機材料可依功能性分為兩類:X光顯影材料及磁性材料。在X光顯影材料方面,以銀、氧化鈦、鈦鋁合金粉及碳化鎢做為顯影材料,並以微電腦斷層描儀 (micro-CT)測試其對X光之顯影效果。實驗方面為將X光顯影材料與EVA乳液依不同重量濃度比混摻,塗抹於聚苯乙烯基板,將其乾燥後於micro-CT下拍攝影像觀察顯影效果。乾燥後之試劑以溶劑(水、消毒酒精)沖淋及刮搔測試之方式來探討試劑交聯前後,對溶劑與外力破壞之抵抗性。由micro-CT結果可知,密度較高的銀元素(Density=10.5 g/cc)及碳化鎢(Density=15.7 g/cc)於影像中具有較佳之顯像效果。溶劑抵抗性測試結果則顯示試劑在交聯前不具有抵抗溶劑沖淋之能力;以四硼酸鈉交聯後之試劑則可承受溶劑沖淋。在刮搔測試中則發現,交聯前後之試劑皆無法於潤濕狀態時承受外力刮搔而脫落,但加入帶正電之聚乙烯亞胺高分子後,試劑於潤濕狀態下仍可抵抗刮搔,但仍有部分脫落。手術定位試劑以壓寫法之滾輪鋼珠容器來裝載,可於較柔軟之基材(如皮膚)進行塗寫標定,此係手術定位試劑筆之初代原型。磁性材料方面使用具有超順磁特性之四氧化鈷二鐵奈米粒子,混摻EVA乳液並結合壓印技術,製備磁敏感藥物載體;實驗中以壓印方式使藥物載體表面具有不同微結構(5 μm圓柱、80 μm圓柱及5 μm角錐)之圖案,以改變藥物的釋放面積,並以旋轉磁場裝置誘導藥物載體,控制藥物釋放之速率。粒子以固態研磨法製備,由STEM、XRD、SQUID、XPS之分析可得之粒子的飽和磁通量為78.7 emu/g、粒徑10.6± 4.0 nm,並成功包覆聚丙烯酸於表面。以壓印方式可成功製備出表面具有圓柱結構之磁性藥物載體,且可於旋轉磁場之誘導下進行擺動。 We employed a biocompatible ethylene/vinylacetate copolymer (EVA emulsion) to blend different functional inorganic materials to prepare specific biomaterials. The EVA emulsion with solid content of 55 wt%, viscosity of 3100 cP (60 RPM, 25℃) was used and added with PVA as a dispersion agent. Two composites were explored in the study: X-ray contrast agents and magnetic drug-releasing materials. In the part of x-ray contrast agents, silver powders, TiO2 powders, Ti-Al alloy, and tungsten carbide powders as the inorganic blending were tested and visualized via micro-CT to evaluate the contrast effect of X-ray irradiation. Different ratios of EVA emulsion/inorganic powders were mixed thoroughly and coated on a polystyrene board to dry in air before the micro-CT was used to take a photograph. The composite coatings were also wetted by water and alcohol, and then tempered scratched to evaluate the use of surgical markers. The results showed that the high density of silver (Density=10.5 g/cc) and tungsten carbide (Density=15.7 g/cc) particles displayed excellent contrast effect toward X-ray resistance. The emulsion mixed with crosslinker (sodium tetraborate) could be crosslinked to be hardened and tough a coating to resist solvent rinsing. In the scratching tests, the composites could not endure scratching after being swollen by solvents, while the composite added with polyethylenimine (PEI) showed a great deal of improvement. The composites were loaded into a container and could be written via the gaps like a ball-point pen, generating the prototype of a surgical marker. In the part of magnetically-sensitive drug carriers, the CoFe2O4 nanoparticles were synthesized via convenient solid-state grind method and then mixed with EVA emulsion to fill into a micro-patterned mold for the preparation of magnetically-sensitive micropatterned drug carriers. Three types of micropatterns ( 5 μm cylinders, 80 μm cylinders, and 5 μm cones) were employed to enlarge the contact area of carriers under a rotating magnetic field in order to control the releasing velocity of drug. The nanoparticles were characterized to have saturated flux of 78.7 emu/g, diameter of 10.6±4.0 nm, and dispersed well via outer coating of polyacrylic acid. Using imprinting process, the micropatterned carrier sheets were successfully fabricated and driven by rotating magnetic field.