不當勞動行為之救濟研究 = Research on Remedies f...


  • 不當勞動行為之救濟研究 = Research on Remedies for Unfair Labor Practices in the United States : 以美國國家勞工關係法為中心
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: Research on Remedies for Unfair Labor Practices in the United States
    Title Information: 以美國國家勞工關係法為中心
    Author: 林裕杰,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2012[民101]
    Description: 215面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    Subject: 不當勞動行為制度
    Subject: Unfair Labor Practices
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/85973421485644320602
    Notes: 參考書目:面200-202
    [NT 15001349]: 以美國國家勞工關係法為中心
    Summary: 本論文之寫作目的,在於引介美國不當勞動行為法制,透過具體爭議問題的探討,期望未雨綢繆,以健全我國法制之發展。 本論文計分為六章,並區分為兩大研究重心:第一部分係美國不當勞動行為制度的介紹,包含法制建構的背景與目的、各種不當勞動行為之態樣、條文規範的具體操作、各種救濟方法以及聯邦最高法院所創立的相關判斷標準等等。再者,將就國家勞工關係委員會(NLRB)的組織、運作以及職權功能等,作一說明與介紹,並解析NLRB的準司法性質之成因與效果。第二部分則係禁制令制度的介紹,著重說明禁制令的與工會活動的關係。簡言之,在過去,禁制令被運用來抑制工會的活動,然而,隨著勞工與工會權利的確立,禁制令逐漸轉向成為重要的救濟手段。目前,國家勞工關係法(NLRA)共有二條禁制令的明文規範,分別是針對特定「工會」的不當勞動行為的第10(l)條規定,以及針對「任何人」的不當勞動行為的第10(j)條規定,其主要功能係提供暫時性的救濟,藉由保存、回復合法的現狀,防止違法情事的發生或擴大,直到委員會作成最終命令為止。本論文除將介紹目前美國實務所承認的第10(j)條禁制令類型,並試圖在我國既有的法規範下,尋找、轉換禁制令的適用空間。最後,本論文將於結論章中,就NLRB的準司法性格與禁反言原則、不當勞動行為救濟「方法」以及不當勞動行為救濟「途徑」等的關係,做一比較、分析,再就我國裁決制度的未來發展,提出己見。 The main purpose of dissertation is introducing Unfair Labor Practices in the United States and through discussion of specific issues in order to improve and advance the adjudication institution in Taiwan.There are six charts in this dissertation, which is divided into two core parts of research. The first part is introducing Unfair Labor Practices in the United States, which includes the background and purposes of the adjudication institution, the variety of Unfair Labor Practices, the application of statutes, the method of remedies and the criteria created by Supreme Court. Meanwhile the organization, operation and authority of NLRB will be introduced and described, also including causes and effects of quasi-judicial of NLRB. The second part is introduction of injunction, and focusing on the relationship between injunction and union activities. In short, in the past, the injunction was used to restraint union activities, but nowadays it has transformed into an important remedy for Unfair Labor Practice. This dissertation will introduce the injunction provisions in NLRA and attempt to find out the possibilities of application in Taiwan legal system.In the conclusion chart, I will compare and analyze the issues of relationship between quasi-judicial of NLRB, estoppel, the method of remedies and the approach of remedies. Besides, I will provide my own opinions for adjudication institution in Taiwan.
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