網路交易與消費者保護 = Internet Transactions &...


  • 網路交易與消費者保護 = Internet Transactions & Consumer Protection:Issues arising in relation to the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Law : 以民法及消費者保護法之規範為中心
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Internet Transactions & Consumer Protection:Issues arising in relation to the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Law
    副題名: 以民法及消費者保護法之規範為中心
    作者: 林雅莉,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2012[民101]
    面頁冊數: 140面30公分;
    標題: 網路交易
    標題: Internet Transactions
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/98014950415756625327
    附註: 附錄:1.電子商務消費者保護綱領;2.網路交易定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項;3.零售業等網路交易定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項
    附註: 參考書目:面113-117
    其他題名: 以民法及消費者保護法之規範為中心
    摘要註: 網路科技之不斷發展及行動商務之蓬勃,網際網路已融入生活中,日漸改變人們的生活及消費型態,因著網路交易之便利性及不受時間限制,更已成為許多人日常消費慣用方式,消費比例漸與傳統通路可相比擬,但也因此衍生諸多消費爭議,較受囑目者如先前備受社會關切之網頁標價錯誤、Google拒絕提供應用軟體APP網路付費下載有七日猶豫期間,及網路企業經營者基於經營效率及便利性慣用定型化契約條款,惟因消費者處於無法磋商之不對等,及網頁設計態樣使多數消費者於消費過程可能未詳細審閱比較,結果定型化契約條款中卻含有許多可能不利於消費者之約定等。而在上開爭議中,諸多涉及網路交易契約之是否有效成立、契約之性質與消費者保護法中郵購買賣之關係及網路定型化契約使用過程中契約自由與契約正義之兼顧。有鑑於此,本文嘗試再從網路交易過程觀察,並藉由實務上發生之網頁標價錯誤等案例,重新檢視網路交易契約之成立時點、契約履行過程中企業經營者得否主張其意思表示錯誤而行使撤銷權,及實務相關判決之問題點,並就網路交易與郵購買賣之適用有無扞格之處,尤其關於無條件解約權之適用有無再行檢討之處,以及就民法及消費者保護法規範暨實務關於定型化契約條款之效力規制基準、相關之網路定型化契約條款內容之適法性進行檢驗及建議,期使相關議題能夠提供更具體深入之認識及探討。 Internet has become an important part of our lives following the new internet technologies and the development of e-commerce and changes gradually the ways of people’s life and consumption. Because internet is convenient and time-unlimited, it has become the usual way of consumption competing with traditional way of consumption. Therefore it raises some issues such as wrong prices labeled on the internet, should Google users be given the opportunity to trial apps for free for seven days, terms of standard form contracts etc. However there is an unequal opposition between business operators and consumers. Usually consumers do not have enough knowledge to review standard form contracts and to bargain with business operators. As a result, the terms of standard form contracts involve something damaging to consumers. These issues include the effect of internet transaction contracts, the nature of the contracts, the relationship with standard form contracts and mail order contracts in the Consumer Protection Law, and the compromise between freedom and justice of contracts. There are other issues raised about when the beginning time of the internet transaction contracts is and how can business operators withdraw contracts due to errors when we observe the process of internet transaction and cases. Is it inconsistent between internet transaction and mail order purchase? Is it good to have the power to rescind a contract without conditions? We need to review the Civil Code , the Consumer Protection Law and terms of website standard form contracts in an effort to learn more about these issues.
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