禪對領導特質與公司績效之影響 = The Effect of Zen o...


  • 禪對領導特質與公司績效之影響 = The Effect of Zen on Leadership Characteristics and Firm Performance
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The Effect of Zen on Leadership Characteristics and Firm Performance
    作者: 高綺,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2013[民102]
    面頁冊數: 125面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: Corporate Performance
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/49888951786404937157
    附註: 參考書目:面106-111
    附註: 102年10月31日公開
    摘要註: 本研究旨在探討禪.領導與公司績效之影響關係。選擇以高雄市中小企業高階經營管理者為研究對象。採用深度訪談質性研究法蒐集初級資料,共實地進行五家中小企業高階經營管理者之深刻對話。並輔以禪者企業家之實例研究,如拯救日航轉虧為盈的「經營之聖」稻盛和夫、美學與領導風格受到「禪思維」強調簡約、創新極大啟發的蘋果公司創辦人賈伯斯。ㄧ、本研究結果發現:1. 「禪」對「領導」具正向影響禪行領導者,以「自利利他」為企業軸心,以「清淨覺智」為策略前導,故經禪學佛法薰修的「領導者」,對企業經營管理具有正向影響。2. 「禪」對「公司績效」具正向影響慧性朗然的禪行者以「德行領導」,並以身作則,具領導感召力,對內凝聚力強,且創意靈活,帶領組織聚焦實現共同目標。對外,以清淨禪心引領,企業形象真誠積極,故在「財務績效」或「非財務績效」的呈現,「禪」對整體「公司績效」具正向影響。二、根據研究結果提出下列建議:1. 匯淬古今,併融東方「禪智慧」與西方理論於現代管理中。2. 關於「禪」的應用:(1) 自心管理、全面觀照,能「領導自己」者,更能卓越「領導組織」。(2) 在複雜中尋找「單純」。3. 昇華領導者「心性」,此與提高「績效」、組織成就息息相關。4. 禪行攝養 -- 「正念」、「正行」,成為「清醒的企業」。 In qualitative research method, this paper aims to find out the correlation among Zen, leadership and corporation in the executive management of five small and medium-sized enterprises in Kaohsiung City. All the primary data are collected by conducting in-depth face to face interviews with the senior managers of those small and medium-sized enterprises. Additionally, quite an important part of this study is supported by the analysis of very successful models of business practice created by two Zen entrepreneurs, the entrepreneurial sage Inamori Kazuo, who had turned the Japanese Airlines from loss to profit and Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc., who had thought highly of simplicity and innovation greatly under the inspiration of Zen thinking.This paper contributes to two findings,First, the influence of the Zen thinking on leadership is positive. A leader who practices the Zen thinking integrates both egoism and altruism into the very central business philosophy and applies the concepts, “purity, awareness and wisdom” to her or his strategic policies. To conclude, a business will receive a positive influence from the leaderships molded through Zen and Buddhism disciplines.Second, the influence of the Zen thinking on corporate performance is positive. A leader as a wise, open-and-quick minded Zen practitioner who uses the virtuous leadership and set examples by her or his own, with inspirational power, strong internal cohesion and smart innovation all feature a business organization to focus on and achieve its shared goals. Moreover, what such leader presents to external stakeholders is to keep pure Zen teachings in her or his mind to guide corporate identity to sincerity and activeness. Simply put, the influence of Zen is positive on the corporate performance consisting of financial and non-financial performances.IVThis paper contributes to four suggestions,First, the western-dominated practices of business administration in the contemporary age shall be integrated of the wise Zen thinking developed in the ancient eastern society. Second, the Zen approach shall applied in (1) taming one’s mind and creating an all-dimensional thinking because a person who are able to guide himself tend much to excellent leadership of a business; (2) seeking simple principles in chaotic situations. Third, a leader’s spiritual and mental awareness of Zen disciplines shall be raised because it’s closely related to corporate performance and organizational achievements. Fourth, a conscious business can be achieved by developing under the Zen rules, to practice right remembrance and right action.
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