台灣鋼琴市場之行銷研究 = A Study of Marketing S...


  • 台灣鋼琴市場之行銷研究 = A Study of Marketing Strategy of Piano in Taiwan:The Case of C Company : 以C公司為例
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A Study of Marketing Strategy of Piano in Taiwan:The Case of C Company
    副題名: 以C公司為例
    作者: 陳怡如,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2013[民102]
    面頁冊數: 60面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 台灣鋼琴產業
    標題: Piano industry in Taiwan
    附註: 參考書目:面51-53
    附註: 102年10月31日公開
    其他題名: 以C公司為例
    摘要註: 源起於歐洲的「鋼琴」,至今發展已有三百多年的歷史,能讓鋼琴成為「樂器之王」的原因,就是它本身獨特的音色,不僅能獨奏,伴奏也少不了它。鋼琴產業在台灣,從日據時代傳入就已經開始受到大眾的喜愛,且蓬勃發展。但近年來,隨著政府政策與市場需求的改變,鋼琴產業受到很大的衝擊,許多琴行都紛紛關閉。本研究將深入探討個案公司的SWOT分析與4P行銷組合的核心概念,利用企業本身優勢結合外在環境的機會,且避免未來可能遇到的阻礙,期望能找出鋼琴產業未來永續經營的方向,給予相關樂器產業的經營參考。主要的研究結果與建議:1. 網路行銷平台儼然已成為消費者新的消費管道,若是要擴大銷售地區、提高銷售額,並永續經營,就必須用心經營網路市場。2. 提供新舊顧客鋼琴健檢的服務,不僅讓顧客有正確保養鋼琴的觀念,也可以建立企業形象,增加更多業務收入。3. 鋼琴市場在少子化浪潮與二手鋼琴進口政策的衝擊下,企業除了提供良好的產品外,行銷策略應該著重於如何去吸引更多不同年齡層的消費者,避免墨守成規,最後被市場淘汰。 Piano sales and teaching has been half a century, the earliest poetry sung accompaniment with the missionary activity of the Church of Christ. Japanese occupation era education system in Taiwan, the piano independent area of study to become a professional foster a generation after generation of musicians, and gradually establish and develop the concept of national piano music literacy. Taiwan joined the WTO in 1997, opening up the import of second-hand piano in Japan, the same time Taiwan's economic recession, the average family income have been behind the rising prices of speed, so the lack of budget, consumers began to buy second-hand piano. In recent years, the wave of the invasion by declining birth rates, not only the impact of the piano sales market, but also in only a small number of consumers to buy a new piano, Yamaha piano even the assembly sales in Taiwan in 2009 and close down. Mr. Wang Yung-ching once said: "there is no sunset industry, only have sunset company." In the Piano study, the company as an example of the ups and downs of the piano industry in Taiwan, the use of the 4P marketing mix and SWOT analysis, want to provide reference for sustainable management of various industries.
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