論網路交易與消費者保護 = On the Internet tradin...


  • 論網路交易與消費者保護 = On the Internet trading and consumer protection
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: On the Internet trading and consumer protection
    Author: 蘇雅慧,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2014[民103]
    Description: 185面圖,表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 電子商務
    Subject: e-commerce
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/25235456996086323003
    Notes: 參考書目:面175-178
    Notes: 103年12月16日公開
    Summary: 網路交易已經成為新時代的主流,經濟發展部分必須仰賴網路交易之型態,但現今網路交易引發的許多交易糾紛,不論是台灣還是歐盟以及其他國家,均非常重視網路交易此一區塊的法律規定以及消費者保護,在台灣從網路交易標錯價的交易糾紛層出不窮,自應檢視我國法律規定對於網路交易及消費者保護是否有修正或需要借鏡其他國家法律規定必要。從郵購買賣之消費糾紛即在網站標錯價之爭議,以及實務及學說上對於網購標價究屬要約或要約的引誘意見有所分歧。數位商品是否有消費者保護法規定之7天無條件解除權之適用,此部分我國消費者保護法並未明確規定,又受制於網路業者所訂立之退貨條款而使無條件退貨之規定形同虛設。新頒布之零售業等網路交易定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項是否足以解決上開紛爭之目的。本文擬探討郵購買賣之關於網路交易及數位化商品之相關問題及法律關係。企業經營者之告知義務及對無條件解除權之限制。網路交易之契約生效後履約及債務不履行的問題,並佐以實務之最新發展,就交易上常見之重要問題主題上再進一步歸納整理深入檢討。在消費者保護方面,將對於國內外關於消費者之保護法規範加以認識及比較,並以歐盟、日本等國為觀察對象,關於郵購買賣中網路交易對消費者保護之規定,來探究我國對消費者之保護是否足夠,從法理上及司法實務上分析,以增加本文之實用性,期能對消費者保障法制有所助益。 Internet trading has become one of the mainstream for economic development in a new era but nowadays a lot of disputes occurs in this pattern of transaction.In Taiwan or the European Union with other countries, online-mail orders from consumer happen to not a few disputes owing to selling prices erro, as well as to the net purchase price luring the buyers with imagine pictures which are difference from real material. In fact, such online-trade disputes in Taiwan has gone beyond the view of the existing laws which need to amend according to legislation for the right-protection of consumers in other countries. There are seven-day reserving right to terminate the trade in provisions of Taiwan Consumer Protection Act which are not specific but subject to the policy of protecting the safety of trade. Issues arising from the Internet and other new business transaction should be documented by standard contracts, and resolved by sufficient opening recorded prices.This article intends to research the issues and legal relations in the internet transactions in commodities including the obligation to inform business owners and restrictions on the exercise of the right of cancellation. In the transaction-network contract, performance and non-performance of the debt problems are accompanied by the latest developments in practice. On the trading of the common themes, the more important issues are collated, the deeper in view are shown.In terms of consumer protection, the Taiwan regulations for the protection of consumers at home and abroad are understood in order to compare with those of the European Union, Japan and other countries by observing objects on the network mail-order trading of consumer protection regulations. To explore the country the adequacy of consumer protection, the analysis from the legal and judicial practice increase the usefulness of this article, and could be helpful to amend Taiwan Consumer Protection Act.
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