社會化、個人-組織契合度、轉換型領導與組織認同之關係研究 = The R...


  • 社會化、個人-組織契合度、轉換型領導與組織認同之關係研究 = The Relationship Among Socialization, Person-Organization Fit, Transformational Leadership and Organizational Identification:An Empirical Study of G Company : 以G公司為例
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: The Relationship Among Socialization, Person-Organization Fit, Transformational Leadership and Organizational Identification:An Empirical Study of G Company
    Title Information: 以G公司為例
    Author: 王綉燕,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2012[民101]
    Description: 121面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    Subject: 新進人員
    Subject: New Employee
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/30381421044416642735
    Notes: 作者號取自王繡燕
    Notes: 參考書目:面94-107
    [NT 15001349]: 社會化個人組織契合度轉換型領導與組織認同之關係研究
    Summary: 本研究係以「轉換型領導」、「社會化」、「個人-組織契合度」與「組織認同」為探討主題,以發展主管最佳效益領導風格,透由社會化戰術或個人-組織契合度提升以增進組織認同,以G公司未滿一年三個月共244位員工為對象,全面發放問卷進行施測,回收有效問卷195份,經實證統計分析結果如下:(1)「轉換型領導」對「組織認同」、「社會化」、「個人-組織契合度」有顯著正向影響,(2)「社會化」、「個人-組織契合度」對「組織認同」有顯著正向影響,(3)「社會化」在「轉換型領導」與「組織認同」之間具有部份中介效果,(4)「個人-組織契合度」在「轉換型領導」與「組織認同」之間具有部份中介效果。  「轉換型領導」風格對「組織認同」、「社會化」與「個人-組織契合度」呈顯著正向影響,內部甄選主管可將轉換型領導行為列入評選要素之一,企業應投入更多資源培養主管具有轉換型領導行為模式與技能,提升領導效能藉以增進員工組織認同;「轉換型領導」透過「社會化」與「個人-組織契合度」對「組織認同」有正向提升效果,企業應清楚釐定公司文化與組織價值觀,建構一套衡量標準,以遴選與企業文化及價值觀契合度較高者,新進人員在社會化歷程最重視同事支持之人際關係,建議新人訓練可規劃學長姐經驗分享或導入師徒制,增加學習與觀摩的機會,增進同事彼此之間支持與良性互動,相對提升員工之組織認同度。 The key subjects to explore in this research are Transformational Leadership, Socialization, Person-Organization Fit, and Organizational Identification. Organization Identification may be enhanced by developing manager’s most effective leadership style, via Socialization strategy or a lift in Person-Organization Fit. Survey questionnaires were sent to the object of this study consisted of 244 employees in the G Company with less than fifteen months of employment. Empirical Statistical Analysis was performed on the 195 returns received. Results from the analysis are as follows:(1) Transformational Leadership has positive influence on Organizational Identification, Socialization, and Person-Organization Fit. (2) Socialization and Person-Organization Fit has positive influence on Organizational Identification. (3) Socialization has partial Mediating effect between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Identification, (4) Person-Organization Fit has partial Mediating effect between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Identification.Since Transformational Leadership style has positive influence on Organizational Identification, Socialization, and Person-Organization Fit, in internal selection process, manager can include Transformational Leadership as one of the key elements for evaluation. Companies should invest more resources developing managers to possess Transformational Leader behavior and skill so that employee Organizational Identification is enhanced through increase in leadership effectiveness. As Transformational Leadership through Socialization and Person-Organization Fit has positive effect on enhancing Organizational Identification, a company should clearly identify company culture and value and define a metric for the selection of persons who will be better fit to the company culture and value. In interpersonal relationship new employees pay most attention to support from colleagues. It is suggested to include in the orientation program for new employees experience sharing session with senior members in the company or a mentor system so that the learning or emulating opportunity is increased, the support and constructive interaction between colleagues are enhanced, and therefore employee Organization Identification is raised.
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